Sarah Banks

MNI Rm. 276
(514) 398-6644 (x00262)


Sarah Banks
Postdoctoral Fellow


I completed a PhD in clinical neuropsychology at Northwestern University in Chicago . On my way there, I made stops in Edinburgh (to complete my BSc in psychology) and Oxford (to work with epilepsy and movement disorder patients at the Radcliffe Infirmary). I am originally from London and return home often to spend time with friends and family.

My thesis was on loss of insight in frontotemporal dementia, a topic I still find fascinating. During my clinical psychology internship at University of Chicago , I worked in the Brain Imaging and Emotions lab, and completed studies on functional connectivity of emotion regulation and the neural correlates of trust and ambiguity in individuals with social phobia. In Dr. Jones-Gotman's lab at the Montreal Neurological Institute, I will be working on studies in epilepsy, including the impact of surgery for intractable epilepsy on cognitive aging. I will also be working in the clinic, assessing patients who are candidates for epilepsy surgery.



Banks S, Weintraub S. (in press, 2008). Cognitive deficits associated with reduced insight in primary progressive aphasia. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias.

Banks S,
Weintraub S. (2008). Self-awareness and self-monitoring of cognitive and behavioral deficits in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, primary progressive aphasia and probable Alzheimer's disease. Brain and Cognition, 67 (1), 58-68.

Banks S, Johnson N, Weintraub S. (2008). Neuropsychiatric symptoms in early and late stage behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia. Journal of Geriatric Neurology and Psychiatry, 21 (2), 133-141.

Banks S, Eddy K, Angstadt M, Nathan P, Phan KL. (2007). Frontal-amygdala frontal connectivity during emotion regulation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, currently published online in advance.

Banks S, Eddy K, Angstadt M, Nathan P, Phan KL. (2007). Amygdala-frontal connectivity during emotion regulation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2, 303-312.

Dunn J, Stoddard A, Weintraub S, Banks S. (2007). Serum alpha-tocopherol, Concurrent and Past Vitamin E Intake and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neurology, 68 (9), 670-677.

Banks S, Medina J, Rogalski E, Skoglund A, Morhardt D. (2006). Organizing a Series of Education and Support Conferences for Individuals With Frontotemporal Dementia and Primary Progressive Aphasia. Alzheimer's Care Quarterly, 7(4), 243-250.

Medina J, Banks S. (2006). A Useful Tool For Coping with the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. Alzheimer's Care Quarterly, 7(4), 223-225.

Scott R, Gregory R, Wilson J, Banks S, Turner A et al. (2003). Executive Cognitive Deficits in Primary Dystonia. Movement Disorders, 18 (5), 539-550.



Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University
© 2005