Patrick Scheffler

MNI Rm. 276
(514) 398-6644 (x00262)


Patrick Scheffler
Honours Student


I am a third year B.A. Psychology student at McGill University and will be writing my honours thesis in Dr. Jones-Gotman's lab. My project is an international survey assessing how Clinical Neuropsychologists assess cognitive memory function in epilepsy patients. Having originally been interested in mood disorders, my main interest has shifted to neurological and neuropsychological conditions. Thus, I am very excited to write my thesis on a related topic.
In my spare time, I like to cook (especially French and German food), play tennis and soccer, row, watch movies and spend time with friends. I also enjoy the occasional journey back home to Bremerhaven, Germany to meet up with old friends and family. 



Abela JRZ & Scheffler P. (In press, 2008). Conceptualizing cognitive vulnerability to depression in youth: A comparison of the weakest link and additive approaches. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy.

Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University
© 2005