Selected Publications
Djordjevic J, Lundstrom JN, Clement F, Boyle JA, Pouliot S, Jones-Gotman, M. (2007). A rose by any other name: Would it smell as sweet? Journal of Neurophysiology, 99, 386–393, 2008.
Djordjevic J, Zatorre RJ, Petrides M., Boyle JA, Jones-Gotman M. (2005). Functional neuroimaging of odor imagery. NeuroImage, 24, 791-801.
Jones-Gotman M, Sziklas V, Djordjevic J, Dubeau F, Gotman J, Angle M, Tampieri D, Olivier A, Andermann F. (2005). Etomidate speech and memory test ( e SAM ): A new drug and improved intracarotid procedure. Neurology, 65, 1723-1729.
Djordjevic J, Zatorre RJ, Petrides M, Jones-Gotman M. (2004). The mind's nose: Effects of odor and visual imagery on odor detection. Psychological Science, 15,143-148.
Djordjevic J, Zatorre RJ, Jones-Gotman M. (2004). Effects of perceived and imagined odors on taste detection. Chemical Senses, 29, 199-208.
Djordjevic J, Zatorre RJ, Jones-Gotman M. (2004). Odor-induced changes in taste perception. Experimental Brain Research, 159, 405-408.
Djordjevic J, Jones-Gotman M. (in press). Olfaction and the temporal lobes. In W. Brewer, D. Castle, C. Pantelis (eds.), Olfaction and the brain: Window to the mind. Cambridge University Press.
Djordjevic J, Jones-Gotman M. (2004). Psychological Testing in Presurgical Evaluation of Epilepsy. In S.D. Shorvon, D.R. Fish, E. Perucca, & W.E. Dodson (eds.), The Treatment of Epilepsy, 2nd edition. Oxford : Blackwell Science, 699-715.
Djordjevic J. (1997). Enigma of the Frontal Lobes: Clinical Neuropsychological Approach. Belgrade : Cibif, pp. 1-152 (monograph).