Jelena Djordjevic
Clinic. MNI
(514) 398-6644 (x00248)


Jelena Djordjevic
Alumna and Collaborator


           I was born in Belgrade, capital of Serbia, which is where I grew up and obtained a B.Sc. in psychology and an M.Sc. in neuropsychology. I worked for five years at the Institute of Neurology in Belgrade as a clinical neuropsychologist. Then I came to Canada and obtained a Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology at McGill University . Currently I hold the position of a clinical neuropsychologist in the Epilepsy Service of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital. My research interests include a variety of topics in olfaction and epilepsy; my thesis was all about odor imagery, and currently I am involved in studies concerning the affective processing of odors and olfaction in people with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

Selected Publications

Djordjevic J, Lundstrom JN, Clement F, Boyle JA, Pouliot S, Jones-Gotman, M. (2007). A rose by any other name: Would it smell as sweet? Journal of Neurophysiology, 99, 386–393, 2008.

Djordjevic J, Zatorre RJ, Petrides M., Boyle JA, Jones-Gotman M. (2005). Functional neuroimaging of odor imagery. NeuroImage, 24, 791-801.

Jones-Gotman M, Sziklas V, Djordjevic J, Dubeau F, Gotman J, Angle M, Tampieri D, Olivier A, Andermann F. (2005). Etomidate speech and memory test ( e SAM ): A new drug and improved intracarotid procedure. Neurology, 65, 1723-1729.

Djordjevic J, Zatorre RJ, Petrides M, Jones-Gotman M. (2004). The mind's nose: Effects of odor and visual imagery on odor detection. Psychological Science, 15,143-148.

Djordjevic J, Zatorre RJ, Jones-Gotman M. (2004). Effects of perceived and imagined odors on taste detection. Chemical Senses, 29, 199-208.

Djordjevic J, Zatorre RJ, Jones-Gotman M. (2004). Odor-induced changes in taste perception. Experimental Brain Research, 159, 405-408.

Djordjevic J, Jones-Gotman M. (in press). Olfaction and the temporal lobes. In W. Brewer, D. Castle, C. Pantelis (eds.), Olfaction and the brain: Window to the mind. Cambridge University Press.

Djordjevic J, Jones-Gotman M. (2004). Psychological Testing in Presurgical Evaluation of Epilepsy. In S.D. Shorvon, D.R. Fish, E. Perucca, & W.E. Dodson (eds.), The Treatment of Epilepsy, 2nd edition. Oxford : Blackwell Science, 699-715.

Djordjevic J. (1997). Enigma of the Frontal Lobes: Clinical Neuropsychological Approach. Belgrade : Cibif, pp. 1-152 (monograph).



Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University
© 2005