Brian Hello

MNI Rm. 276
(514) 398-6644 (x00262)


Brian Hello
Honors Student


I was born here in Montreal so I have not had a life filled with exciting travels around the world. I completed my D.E.C at Vanier College in Social Sciences, then decided to come to McGill where I am currently working on my B.A. in Psychology. Having thought I would much prefer the social aspect of psychology, I've been surprised that my interests are more in the areas of neuroscience and cognition.

I am very pleased to have been accepted into Dr. Marilyn Jones-Gotman's lab to do my undergraduate honors research. The project I am working on involves the use of a recently designed test of social cognition where participants must point out the anomalies they find in various photographs, and rate their level of inappropriateness. I hope to learn a lot from this experience and use it to figure out if I wish to pursue my graduate studies in neuroscience research or clinical psychology.

Whenever I have spare time I like to relax and read, watch a movie, or go to a nice cafe. I also love trying out new kinds of food and restaurants, which is something I try to do as often as possible.


Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University
© 2005