About MRBS

Microscopic Imaging Reservations - MRBS 1.2.1
Database: MySQL 10.3.39-MariaDB
System: Linux dvhost.mcgill.ca 3.10.0-1160.108.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 4 14:55:32 EST 2024 x86_64
PHP: 8.0.30


Please contact Thomas for any questions that aren't answered here.


How do I login?
Why can't I delete/alter a meeting?
Making/Altering Meetings

How do I delete a reservation?
How do I schedule rooms at different sites
What happens if multiple people schedule the same meeting?

Miscellaneous What is the difference between "Internal" and "External"

How do I login?

The system can be configured to use one of several methods of authentication, including LDAP, Netware, and SMB. See your system administrator if you are having trouble logging in. Some functions are restricted to certain users, and other users will get the message You do not have access rights to modify this item. See your system administrator if this is not working correctly for you. If the system is configured to use LDAP authentication, this means that you login with the same username and password as you use for getting email i.e. "Mark Belanger" "MyPassword". Top

Why can't I delete/alter a meeting?

In order to delete or alter a meeting, you must be logged in as the same person that made the meeting. Contact one of the meeting room administrators or the person who initially made the meeting to have it deleted or changed. Top

How do I delete a reservation?

Select the day/room/time that you want to delete and select Delete Entry. Top

How do I schedule rooms at different sites?

You don't. Presently the system cannot book 2 different rooms simultaneously. You must schedule each one separately. Make sure that the time you want is available at both sites before making a booking. Top

What happens if multiple people schedule the same meeting?

The short answer is: The first person to click on the Submit button wins.
Behind the scenes, the system is using a proper multi-user, multi-threaded relational database than can handle many thousands of simultaneous users.

What is the difference between "Internal" and "External"

By default, MRBS defines two meeting types. "Internal" means that the meeting will only be attended by employees. An "External" meeting might also be attended by customers, vendors, investors, etc. Your site can define up to a total of 10 meeting types, according to your needs. Meetings are highlighted in the main calendar view with a color corresponding to their type, and a color key of all defined types is shown at the bottom of the main calendar view. Top

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