September, 08......................................... |
Laura Rudy joins the Dr. Jones-Gotman lab as a Research Assistant. |
July, 08 ................................................. |
Jelena Djordevic and Julie Boyle attend an international chemical senses conference (AChemS and ISOT) in San Francisco. |
June, 08.................................................. |
Julie Boyle receives a doctoral scholarship from the Foundation for Research in Health, lasting until June 2011. |
May, 08.................................................. |
Marilyn Jones-Gotman, Viviane Sziklas and Jelena Djordjevic receive a Centre of Excellence in Commercialization and Research (CECR) grant for standardization of the MNI epilepsy test battery. This grant is shared with Alain Ptito and Lesley Fellows, for development and standardization of their test batteries.
Viviane Sziklas and Marilyn Jones-Gotman receive a second CECR grant for an fMRI study of patients during learning and retention of novel and familiar, verbal and nonverbal material. |
April, 08.................................................. |
Jelena Djordjevic is awarded the NSERC grant (2008-2013) "Studies of Pleasantness and Unpleasantness in Olfaction" for her studies in the psychophysical and functional neuroimaging studies of pleasant and unpleasant odors. |
March, 08............................................... |
Sarah Banks receives a postdoctoral scholarship from the Savoy Foundation to fund her research into the effects of temporal lobe epilepsy and surgery on cognitive aging.
Marilyn Jones-Gotman and Jelena Djordevic are awarded a grant from the Savoy Foundation to refine tests and perform a pilot study for a later project on memory in patients with temporal-lobe epilepsy. This grant will begin July 1st 2008. |
February, 08............................................ |
Sandra Pouliot starts a new job as a neuropsychologist at the Centre de Réadaptation Le Boulier in l'Assomption, Quebec . In November she successfully defended her thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Pouliot! |